SQL Developer Data modeler

SQL Developer Data Modeler is a free data modeling and design tool, proving a full spectrum of data and database modeling tools and utilities, including modeling for Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Relational (database design), Data Type and Multi-dimensional modeling, with forward and reverse engineering and DDL code generation. The Data Modeler imports from and exports to a variety of sources and targets, provides a variety of formatting options and validates the models through a predefined set of design rules.

Database Session Stats


1. Connected users list

set lines 100 pages 999
col ID format a15
select username
,      sid || ',' || serial# "ID"
,      status
,      last_call_et "Last Activity"
from   v$session
where  username is not null
order by status desc
,        last_call_et desc

2. Time since last user activity

set lines 100 pages 999
select username
,      floor(last_call_et / 60) "Minutes"
,      status
from   v$session
where  username is not null
order by last_call_et

3. Sessions sorted by logon time

set lines 100 pages 999
col ID		format a15
col osuser	format a15
col login_time	format a14
select 	username
,	osuser
,	sid || ',' || serial# "ID"
,	status
,	to_char(logon_time, 'hh24:mi dd/mm/yy') login_time
,	last_call_et
from	v$session
where	username is not null
order	by login_time

4.User information including OS process ID

col "SID/SERIAL" format a10
col username format a15
col osuser format a15
col program format a40
select	s.sid || ',' || s.serial# "SID/SERIAL"
,	s.username
,	s.osuser
,	p.spid "OS PID"
,	s.program
from	v$session s
,	v$process p
Where	s.paddr = p.addr
order 	by to_number(p.spid)

5. Show users’ current SQL

Select sql_text
from   v$sqlarea
where  (address, hash_value) in
(select sql_address, sql_hash_value
        from v$session
        where username like '&username')

6. Session status associated with the specified OS process ID

select	s.username
,	s.sid
,	s.serial#
,	p.spid
,	last_call_et
,	status
from 	V$SESSION s
where	s.PADDR = p.ADDR
and	p.spid='&pid'

7. Show all active SQL

set feedback off
set serveroutput on size 9999
column username format a20
column sql_text format a55 word_wrapped
  for x in
   (select username||'('||sid||','||serial#||') ospid = '|| process ||
    ' program = ' || program username,
    to_char(LOGON_TIME,' Day HH24:MI') logon_time,
    to_char(sysdate,' Day HH24:MI') current_time,
   from v$session
   where status = 'ACTIVE'
   and rawtohex(sql_address) <> '00'
   and username is not null ) loop
   for y in (select sql_text
   from v$sqlarea
   where address = x.sql_address ) loop
   if ( y.sql_text not like '%listener.get_cmd%' and
    y.sql_text not like '%RAWTOHEX(SQL_ADDRESS)%' ) then
    dbms_output.put_line( '--------------------' );
    dbms_output.put_line( x.username );
    dbms_output.put_line( x.logon_time || ' ' || x.current_time ||
 ' SQL#=' || x.sql_hash_value);
    dbms_output.put_line( substr( y.sql_text, 1, 250 ) );
   end if;
  end loop;
 end loop;

8. List long operations

set lines 100 pages 999
col username format a15
col message format a40
col remaining format 9999
select	username
,	to_char(start_time, 'hh24:mi:ss dd/mm/yy') started
,	time_remaining remaining
,	message
from	v$session_longops
where	time_remaining = 0
order by time_remaining desc

9.  List open cursors per user

set pages 999
select 	sess.username
,	sess.sid
,	sess.serial#
,	stat.value cursors
from	v$sesstat stat
,	v$statname sn
,	v$session sess
where	sess.username is not null
and	sess.sid = stat.sid
and	stat.statistic# = sn.statistic#
and	sn.name = 'opened cursors current'
order by value
set lines 100 pages 999
select count(hash_value) cursors
,      sid
,      user_name
from   v$open_cursor
group by
,      user_name
order by

Database Users and Roles Stats


1. List of Users

set pages 999 lines 100
col username	format a20
col status	format a8
col tablespace	format a20
col temp_ts	format a20
select	username
,	account_status status
,	created
,	default_tablespace tablespace
,	temporary_tablespace temp_ts
from	dba_users
order	by username


1. Find a role

select	*
from 	dba_roles
where	role like '&role'

2. List roles granted to a user

select	grantee
,	granted_role
,	admin_option
from	dba_role_privs
where	grantee like upper('&username')

3.  List system privileges granted to a role

select	privilege
,	admin_option
from	role_sys_privs
where	role like '&role'

4. List table privileges granted to a role

select	owner || '.' || table_name "TABLE"
,	column_name
,	privilege
,	grantable
from	role_tab_privs
where	role like '&role'


Database General Stats

1. Startup Time

Startup information is stored in v$instance.startup_time, and uptime can be easily computed as sysdate – startup_time.

select to_char(startup_time, 'HH24:MI DD-MON-YY') "Startup time"
from v$instance

Sample Output:
Startup time
03:05 09-FEB-06

Another query which outputs the time period since the database was started:
 'Hostname : ' || host_name
 ,'Instance Name : ' || instance_name
 ,'Started At : ' || to_char(startup_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') stime
 ,'Uptime : ' || floor(sysdate - startup_time) || ' days(s) ' ||
 trunc( 24*((sysdate-startup_time) -
 trunc(sysdate-startup_time))) || ' hour(s) ' ||
 mod(trunc(1440*((sysdate-startup_time) -
 trunc(sysdate-startup_time))), 60) ||' minute(s) ' ||
 mod(trunc(86400*((sysdate-startup_time) -
 trunc(sysdate-startup_time))), 60) ||' seconds' uptime

2. Database Products and version Notes

select BANNER product_versions
from v$version;

Sample Output:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

3. Database Information

  • Database Name – Name of the database
  • Created – Date/time the database was created
  • Log Mode – Archive log mode: NOARCHIVELOG or ARCHIVELOG
select 	NAME,
from 	v$database;

4. Database Size

SQL query to check how large your database is.

col "Database Size" format a20
col "Free space" format a20
col "Used space" format a20
select	round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) || ' GB' "Database Size"
,	round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) -
	round(free.p / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) || ' GB' "Used space"
,	round(free.p / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) || ' GB' "Free space"
from    (select	bytes
	from	v$datafile
	union	all
	select	bytes
	from 	v$tempfile
	union 	all
	select 	bytes
	from 	v$log) used
,	(select sum(bytes) as p
	from dba_free_space) free
group by free.p

Retrieve size information in terms of file name and tablespaces:

select 	FILE_NAME,
	d.BYTES datafile_size,
	nvl(sum(e.BYTES),0) bytes_used,
	round(nvl(sum(e.BYTES),0) / (d.BYTES), 4) * 100 percent_used,
	d.BYTES - nvl(sum(e.BYTES),0) bytes_free
from 	DBA_EXTENTS e,
where  	d.FILE_ID = e.FILE_ID (+)

5.  Files and Locations

  • Filename – Name of the file(s)
  • Location – Location of the file(s)
select 	'Archived Log Directory' "Filename",
	value "Location"
from 	v$parameter
where 	name = 'log_archive_dest'
select 	'Control Files' "Filename",
	value "Location"
from 	v$parameter
where  	name = 'control_files'
select 	'Datafile' "Filename",
	name "Location"
from   	v$datafile
select 	'LogFile Member' "Filename",
	member "Location"
from  	v$logfile;

6.  Licence Information

select   SESSIONS_MAX,
from     sys.v_$license;

7.  Database Options

select   PARAMETER,
from     sys.v_$option;
  • Option – Name of the option
  • Value – Value of the option



select	NAME,
from 	v$parameter
order  	by NAME;

b,  Show latent parameter changes

select name
,      value
from   v$parameter
where  ismodified != 'FALSE'

c,  Show non-default parameters

set pages 999 lines 100
col name format a30
col value format a50
select 	name
,	value
from	v$parameter
where	isdefault = 'FALSE'
and	value is not null
order	by name

9.  Distribution of Objects and Data

a, Which schemas are taking up all of the space.

set pages 999
col "size MB" format 999,999,999
col "Objects" format 999,999,999
select	obj.owner "Owner"
,	obj_cnt "Objects"
,	decode(seg_size, NULL, 0, seg_size) "size MB"
from 	(select owner, count(*) obj_cnt from dba_objects group by owner) obj
,	(select owner, ceil(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) seg_size
	from dba_segments group by owner) seg
where 	obj.owner  = seg.owner(+)
order	by 3 desc ,2 desc, 1

b, Show the ten largest objects in the database.

col	owner format a15
col	segment_name format a30
col	segment_type format a15
col	mb format 999,999,999
select  owner
,	segment_name
,	segment_type
,	mb
from	(
	select	owner
	,	segment_name
	,	segment_type
	,	bytes / 1024 / 1024 "MB"
	from	dba_segments
	order	by bytes desc
where	rownum < 11

10.  Java Installed or Not

select 	count(*)
from 	all_objects
where 	object_type like '%JAVA%'
and 	owner = 'SYS'

If result is 9000, Java is installed.

11.  Character Set information

select * from nls_database_parameters


Automatic Undo Management

Oracle provides a fully automated mechanism, referred to as automatic undo management, for managing undo information and space. With automatic undo management, the database manages undo segments in an undo tablespace. Beginning with Release 11g, automatic undo management is the default mode for a newly installed database. An auto-extending undo tablespace named UNDOTBS1 is automatically created when you create the database with Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).

There are three parameters associated with automatic undo management

  • UNDO_MANAGEMENT (default manual) – This is the only mandatory parameter and can be set to either auto or manual.
  • UNDO_TABLESPACE (default undo tablespace) – This specifies the tablespace to be used, of course the tablespace needs to be a undo tablespace. If you do not set this value oracle will automatically pick the one available. If no undo tablespace exists then oracle will use the system tablespace which is not a good idea (always create one).
  • UNDO_RETENTION (seconds) – Once a transaction commits the undo data for that transaction stays in the undo tablespace until space is required in which case it will be over written.

References / Source:

Find Foreign Key Relationships

The below query lists all of the foreign keys and the parent table and columns to which they relate.

SELECT a.owner , a.table_name , c.column_name ,
 b.owner , b.table_name , d.column_name 
FROM dba_constraints a, dba_constraints b,
 dba_cons_columns c, dba_cons_columns d
WHERE a.r_constraint_name = b.constraint_name
 AND a.constraint_type = 'R'
 AND b.constraint_type = 'P'
 AND a.r_owner=b.owner
 AND a.constraint_name = c.constraint_name
 AND b.constraint_name=d.constraint_name
 AND a.owner = c.owner
 AND a.table_name=c.table_name
 AND b.owner = d.owner
 AND b.table_name=d.table_name;
